
Couple photoshoot Paris – Lovely souvenirs !

Honeymoon, proposal, or just nice souvenirs of your love !

Couple photoshoot Paris


Looking for a photographer to catch lovely moments of you and your lover in Paris ?

Why not a couple photoshoot in Paris  ?

The best way to keep the flame of love !



A beautiful couple photoshoot in Paris to make unforgettable souvenir of your stay in Paris


Maybe are you visiting Paris for your honeymoon, wedding anniversary, or first year of love … or for no special reason, just to visit Paris with your lover !

You don’t need a good reason to enjoy a couple photoshoot in Paris with your lover, and create souvenirs that you will keep all your life and show to your friends and your family !

A couple photoshoot in Paris is the best way to enjoy a lovely moment with your lover in Paris and to remember your travel !




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    A beautiful video souvenir of you couple photoshoot in Paris

    Why not a video of your scouple photoshoot in Paris to show it to your friends and your family ?

    Paris is full of wonderful places to do a nice  couple photoshoot in Paris  !

    Where to do your couple photoshoot in Paris ?

    We will discuss together about where you want to do your couple photoshoot. I know many nice places in Paris that I can suggest to make your choice.

    Monuments, gardens, Seine riverside …
    Île Saint-Louis, Notre Dame, Montmatre, Trocadéro, pont Alexandre 1er, jardins du Luxembourg, Tuileries, musée du Louvre…

    Paris regorge de lieux absolument magnifiques pour réaliser votre séance photo couple, et les idées ne manquent pas !

    Proposal, wedding anniversary, Saint-Valentine, there are many reasons to do a couple photoshoot in Paris !

    couple photoshoot in Paris, a unique moment to live between lovers

    More than having nice pictures that you will keep all your life, a couple photoshoot is a lovely and fun moment to share with your lovers. Together we will find the best places where you will pose like superstars !

    It’s a relaxing a pleasant moment to enjoy with a professional photographers. I have a huge experience and you will feel comfortable !

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      Paris, magic city for a unforgettable couple photoshoot Paris

      The place of you photoshoot in free of course. I can suggest you the most beautiful places. There are so many magic places to do nice couple pictures !

      Jardin des tuileries, le Louvre, le Pont des Arts, le jardin du Luxembourg, l’Ile Saint Louis … Paris is full of magic and romantic places !

      Pour réserver votre séance photo couple dans Paris, contactez-moi !

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